How Long Will You Waiver


This sermon delves into the story of Elijah from 1 Kings 18, emphasizing the importance of experiencing God's manifest presence and power. Pastor John highlights the alarming statistics of people leaving the church and the lack of belief in absolute truth among evangelicals. The sermon underscores the need for a 40-day journey of drawing near to God through prayer, fasting, and His Word, aiming to rekindle the fire of God's presence in believers' lives, much like Elijah's encounter on Mount Carmel. The ultimate goal is to experience God's transformative power, which can change individuals and the world around them.


Heavenly Father, we come before You today with open hearts and minds, eager to hear Your word and feel Your presence. As we delve into the story of Elijah, we ask that You help us draw near to You, just as You promise to draw near to us. May Your Holy Spirit guide our discussion and open our hearts to the truths You want us to grasp today. In Jesus' name, we pray. Amen.

Key Verses

1. 1 Kings 18:17-39

2. James 4:8

3. Matthew 3:11

4. Acts 2:1-4

5. Romans 8:11


1. What stood out to you the most in the story of Elijah on Mount Carmel?

2. Why do you think so many people have walked away from the church in recent years?

3. What does it mean to you that God never changes?

4. How can we draw near to God in our daily lives?

5. What role does the Holy Spirit play in revealing God's power today?

6. Have you ever experienced a moment where you felt God's manifest presence? Can you share about it?

7. Why is it important to believe in absolute truth as Christians?

8. What steps can we take to ensure we are not quenching the Holy Spirit in our lives?

Life Application

This week, commit to spending extra time in prayer and reading God's Word. Seek to draw near to Him and ask for His presence and power to be evident in your life. Consider fasting from something that distracts you from focusing on God.


Encountering God Beyond the Cave


Reviving Faith