Northport Baptist Church Events

Student Worship
Wednesday Nights during the school semesters.
Location: Student Building
Come experience God on a weekly basis as a youth. Guided by some incredible adults and a student led worship team, you are sure to grow spiritually.

Wednesday Family Night Meals
Join us by registering ahead of time and take advantage of a no stress way to feed you and your family before Wednesday Night Classes and group meetings.
Each Wednesday from 5:00-6:00pm in the Fellowship Hall.
Cost is $6 per person
***Register by Monday at 12:00pm to secure your meal on Wednesday***
Monthly Schule
1st Week - Chicken (Guthries or Chick-fil-A)
2nd Week - Taco Bar from Pastor’s Kitchen
3rd Week - Pizza and Salad
4th Week - Dwayne McIntosh home cookin (varies)

Women's Bible Studies
Wednesday Nights
We have several women’s Bible studies going on every week. While we certainly encourage you to attend every week, you can certainly drop in as your schedule allows and never be behind.

Grief Share
GriefShare is a 13 week class on Wednesdays led by Chris Jones and Crystal Buck.
Workbooks are $15
Location: Room 424
Time: 5:45pm-7:00pm

Preteen Worship
Wednesday Nights during the school semesters.
Location: Preteen Room 205
Come experience God on a weekly basis as a Preteen. There will be games, a message, and small group discussions. This equips preteens to be gospel centered, missional and inviting!

Co-Ed Bible Study
Join us each Wednesday as Scott Green lead a bible study for men and women.
Room 420
This group is perfect for all adults who want to learn the deeper truths in scripture.

Children's Activities
Wednesdays from 6:00pm - 7:00pm
Join our Kindergarten - 4th Grade each week during the semesters for small groups, missions, and recreational time. NBC kids Wednesdays is the perfect place for your children to thrive spiritually,

Young Adult Worship
Come join the Young Adult ministry at Northport Baptist for a worship service specifically with you in mind.
Tuesday Nights at 7:00pm
Location: The Chapel
Contact Trey and Emily Chesser for more information

Trailblazers - Senior Meetings
Trailblazers is our 50+ Senior Ministry.
Meetings: the 4th Thursday of each month
Location: Fellowship Hall
Join us monthly for specialized programming and meals. You will love the friendly atmosphere our seniors provide!

Seder Meal
Sunday, April 13 at 5 pm in the student building
Experience the Passover Meal
Register by Sunday, April 6
Cost: $5 / person
Meat provided - you bring a side dish or dessert.

Good Friday Egg Hunt
Join us for a fun-filled Good Friday Egg Hunt on April 18 from 5:00–7:00 PM at Northport Baptist Church!
🎯 Egg Hunt begins at 5:15 PM sharp
🌭 Free hotdogs
🎈 Inflatables & candy
🌧️ Rain or shine
🎟️ Free for all families!
Be sure to bring your friends and family—and don’t forget to stop by the poster station!
Following the hunt, stick around for our Good Friday Service at 7:00 PM, with childcare available for preschoolers (birth–5 years old).

Good Friday Service
Join us on Friday, April 18 at 7:00 PM for a special Good Friday Service at Northport Baptist Church. This meaningful evening will include worship and the Lord’s Supper as we reflect on the sacrifice of Jesus and prepare our hearts for Easter. All are welcome.

Better Man Monthly
Better Man Monthly is a large group meeting that meets the first Sunday of each month from October until May.
Location: Student Building
Time: 6:00pm
Cost: $5
Register HERE!

North Africa
May 9-17, 2025
Cost: $1700-$2000
Interest Meeting: Sunday January 5th, Room 424, 5:00pm
Work: Basketball Camp, physical conditioning classes, prayer walking, and market place gospel conversations.
Must Register by January 5, 2025
Contact Scott Green to register

Men's Small Groups
Each week our men have small groups that they meet with all throughout the church. Click Here to get more info on how you can be involved as well!

Lil’ Kids Activities
Wednesdays from 6:00pm - 7:00pm
Join our birth through 5yr olds each week during the semesters for age appropriate bible stories, crafts, games, and fun! You can rest assured your children will be safe and secure with sign in system and dedicated security team.

College Worship Service
College Worship Service
Location: The Chapel
Wednesday’s during the semester from 7:00pm-8:00pm

Golf Tournament - Germany Mission Trip
Student Mission Trip Golf Tournament
Join us at Ol' Colony Golf Course on Saturday, May 31, for a Golf Tournament to support our student mission trip to Germany!
📅 Event Details:
Check-in: 11:00 AM
Lunch: 11:30 AM
Shotgun Start: 1:00 PM
We’re looking for participants to play and sponsors to help make this event a success. Your involvement will directly support our students as they prepare to share the love of Christ in Germany.
Don’t miss this opportunity to enjoy a great day on the course while supporting a meaningful cause! For more information or to sign up, visit
Thank you for helping make this mission possible! ⛳✨

Vacation Bible School 2025
June 2-6 from 8:30am until 12:00pm
Completed K-5 through 4th grade (and VBX completed 5th-6th grades)
Preschool VBS is ONLY for VBS Volunteers
Volunteer sign up are in the Santuary lobby under the mission wall
Registration for kids will begin in April

Mexico 2025
Church Wide Trip
Cost: $1600
(Price will vary will fluctuation on flight tickets)
12 Person Max Availability

Ecuador Mission Trip
Information Meeting: Sunday morning January 5th, Fellowship Hall, 8:15am

Indonesia Mission Trip
October 14-25, 2025
Cost: $2500-$3,000
Work: Providing a retreat to missionaries and their family
Register by June 1, 2025

Prayer Service
Join us for our James 5 Prayer service. All are welcome!
Sunday September 29, 2024
There will be no Sunday School. However, we will have regular childcare during the service.

2025 Missions Information Meetings
2025 MIssions Information Meetings
Date: July 28
Times: 10:00am, 11;30am, or 5:00pm
Location: NBC Coffee Shop
We look forward to seeing you at the meetings. We will give out information specific to the upcoming North Africa, Indonesia, and Taiwan mission trips. If you are interested in going on these trips, this meeting is for you!