Encountering God Beyond the Cave

Sermon Summary

In this week’s sermon, we delved into 1 Kings 19, focusing on the prophet Elijah's journey after his monumental victory over the prophets of Baal. Despite witnessing God's power firsthand, Elijah fled in fear from Jezebel's threat, seeking refuge in a cave. God called Elijah out of the cave, not to condemn him, but to invite him into a deeper relationship. This story underscores the importance of seeking God's presence and listening to His voice, especially during challenging times. Over the next 40 days, the church is encouraged to draw near to God through dedicated prayer, Bible reading, and fasting, trusting in the promise that God will draw near to us as we seek Him earnestly. The sermon emphasized that many of us are metaphorically in caves—places of fear, doubt, or distraction. God is calling us out of these caves to experience a life of walking and talking with Him. By committing to 20-25 minutes of daily devotion and fasting one day a week, we can realign our spirits and bodies, making room for God's presence to transform our lives. The challenge is to overcome excuses and distractions, trusting that God will reward our efforts and draw near to us as we seek Him.


Heavenly Father, we come before You today with open hearts and minds, ready to receive what You have for us. As we discuss Your Word and the message from today's sermon, we ask for Your presence to be with us. Help us to draw near to You, just as You have promised to draw near to us. Remove any distractions or barriers that may hinder us from fully engaging with You and each other. May Your Holy Spirit guide our conversation, and may we leave this place transformed by Your love and grace. In Jesus' name, we pray. Amen.

Key Verses

1. 1 Kings 19:11-12

2. James 4:8

3. Matthew 6:6

4. Psalm 46:10

5. Romans 8:1


1. What stood out to you the most from today's sermon?

2. Have you ever felt like you were in a "cave" similar to Elijah? What was that experience like?

3. How do you usually spend your quiet time with God? Do you find it challenging to be consistent?

4. What are some distractions or "caves" that keep you from experiencing God's presence?

5. How can we support each other in our 40-day commitment to draw near to God?

6. What are your thoughts on fasting? Have you ever fasted before, and what was your experience?

7. How do you think your life would change if you consistently spent 20-25 minutes a day with God?

8. What steps can you take this week to start or improve your daily devotion and prayer time?

Life Application

This week, commit to spending 20-25 minutes each day in quiet time with God. Follow the steps outlined in the sermon: get alone, be still, confess any sins, ask God to speak to you, read your Bible, and spend time in prayer. Additionally, choose one day to fast from sunrise to sunset, using the time you would normally spend eating to focus on prayer and reading God's Word. Write down any insights or messages you receive from God during this time and share them with the group next week.


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