Homeless Connect is an event that focuses on serving those who are homeless in Tuscaloosa County. One Mission Tuscaloosa County, along with area churches, agencies, businesses, and volunteers come together to remove the barriers of homelessness.
Volunteer Application: CLICK HERE
Homeless Connect
February 8, 2025
A day of connecting Tuscaloosa’s homeless individuals with area agencies, organizations, businesses, churches and volunteers, to provide services free of charge.
Venue: First Baptist Tuscaloosa
Who is a guest?
An individual who lacks a fixed, regular, and adequate nighttime residence.
An individual who resides in a car, park, abandoned building, bus or train station, airport, camp grounds, shelter. Or one who resides in a hotel, motel, or transitional housing that is designated to provide temporary living arrangements.
An individual or family living temporarily in a multi-family residence.
Services Offered
Legal AdviceHousing InformationCourt-For Minor Offenses
Eye Exams And Glasses
Medical ExamsDental Exams And Services
Veterans AffairsPrescriptions (Non-Narcotic)
Identification / Birth Certificates
Employment Opportunities
Hair Cuts, Hygiene Items
Prayer, Addiction Counseling,STD And HIV Testing
Lunch Will Be Provided And Much More!